
None, [104美國直購] Speed Stacks Sport Stacking Set 疊加 運動 速度 練習。在樂天市場的玉山最低比價網有最棒的商品,是您省錢的最佳選擇。

[104美國直購] Speed Stacks Sport Stacking Set 疊加 運動 速度 練習




Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks is one of the fastest growing new sports in the country. Stackers up stack and down stack 12 specially designed cups in specific patterns using the patented StackMat to measure and record their best times. Speed Stacks are 12 specially designed high-tech Sport Stacking cups endorsed by the World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) for competition. Speed Stacks are the only cups permitted for use in WSSA sanctioned events and each Speed Stacks cup carries the official WSSA approval mark. Speed Stacks, Inc. is the worldwide leader in Sport Stacking (formerly known as Cup Stacking). Sport Stacking is an amazing sport of fitness, agility, concentration and quickness. Thousands of teachers, administrators and parents along with millions of kids have experienced the benefits of Sport Stacking. Become part of the movement.

12 Specially designed Speed Stacks Cups
Quick Release Stem
The only cups endorsed by the World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA) for competition

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
Item model number: 96102-P

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[104美國直購] Speed Stacks Sport Stacking Set 疊加 運動 速度 練習

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